Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Wolverine (2013)

Overall: 13
I'm going to follow my last review's confession with another this week: I like movies based on the books by Jane Austen. Sure they are all love stories based in a culture that is somewhat foreign to the modern man, but they ARE well told stories. The movies based on Austen's books usually do a good job of bringing me into the mind of the protagonist, which is remarkable when you consider that the protagonists are always women with a vastly different world view than my own (a young-ish father of four living a middle American life).

What does this have to do with The Wolverine? The Wolverine is largely a love story based in the Japanese culture. In other words, it is also a love story about a character from another time, with a vastly different world view and in a different culture. As I said previously, I like well told stories. *Movie Trailer Voice* In a world where many comic movies have relied on the viewers past experience with the characters for connection, The Wolverine takes the time to tell a real character-driven story rather than loosely tying together several flashy fight scenes. *Voice Out* It is not perfect, and definitely has some aspects that did not work for me, but overall this film was well worth watching.

If you are wanting a typical comic movie, this flick may not be for you. Honestly, half of the group I went to see this with (10 people) didn't like it, but I really liked it.

Entertainment: 5
The Wolverine is a comic movie that does not feel like a repeat of all the same old fight scenes and problems. It is character-driven, and somewhat intimately delivered. While a little predictable, I enjoyed myself watching it.

Writing: 5
As I stated previously, this film is very intimately written for a comic flick. The characters have depth, and are consistent. There are far fewer cheeseball lines than you normally get from comics, and the ones that remain are generally reasonable. Everything tied together appropriately--something that I find immensely satisfying. *No spoilers* The only item that really bothered me was that I found a couple of the reveals a little too predictable.

Presentation: 3
I have mixed feelings on the presentation. Most of the visuals were great, with parts being visually stunning (like the opening scene in the Japanese prison camp). However, a couple of the characters and scenes felt cartoony and out of place (read the Viper character, the adamant warrior, and some of the scenes with the ninjas). The acting was very good--as usual, Jackman truly is Wolverine--but that was somewhat offset by the cartoonish way Svetlana Khodchenkova played Viper. Also, the action was taken to a level of silliness that lost me toward the end of the movie, which is disappointing considering how gripping I found the action at the beginning. Were it not for these presentation issues, I think this would be one of my top comic film movies. As it is, it is still a great show.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pacific Rim (2013)

Overall: 11
Here is a confession that will likely cause some of you to disregard every movie rating of mine that you have ever agreed with: I still love cartoons. Why? Because they often draw clear lines between the good guys and the bad guys. With cartoons you generally know who you want to win and why. The good guys are often honorable, respectful, fair, self sacrificing, brave, and true. Think Optimus Prime, Superman, Spiderman, Rapunzel, Professor Xavier, GI Joe, Phineas, Mulan, Aang, etc. When one of the good guys makes a mistake--and it is often not the primary protagonist who does that because he/she is just too dang good--he/she usually learns a lesson about being good along the way. Sure cartoons are usually silly, and often not as complex as the adult mind. But, that is intentional, and part of the reason why they are fun.

What does this have to do with Pacific Rim? This is a movie that is intentionally silly (think The Mummy silly), cartoonish in style, and straight-forward as to who the good guys and bad guys are. I think this is why I ended up enjoying myself, despite being pretty sure I would think it too goofy before I sat down to watch. This movie is definitely not for everyone. However, if you like cartoons, this movie may be a good fit for you.

Entertainment: 4
Pacific Rim will not be a like (4) for everyone, but I enjoyed myself. It is Power Rangers meets Godzilla for...not children, but it is intentionally silly and does NOT take itself too seriously.

Writing: 3
Here is the thing about the writing: it gets a lot of things right. The movie is plot light, but actually has a story rather than being a series of city-demolishing fight scenes. It is quite predictable in some ways, but manages to tie up the A and B plots nicely. If it were not for a couple of noticeable plot holes, I would have given this a 4.

Presentation: 4
No doubt about it, the movie looks good. It blends Godzilla (not the new one), Transformers, and Hellboy into one. However, for some reason it never had any moment where those visuals left me feeling blown away. The acting was quite good across the board. Again, really campy, but good clean fun.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Despicable Me 2 (2013)

Entertainment: 4
This is a quirky and uplifting kids show that almost gets a 5 on the entertainment scale, but just misses that rating because it lacks depth. My kids loved it and I truly enjoyed watching it with them, but this is not the kind of show where I feel like I want the experience again for additional insight, meaning, or entertainment.

Writing: 5
The obvious question here is, "How can the writing get a 5 (Strongly Like) if the show lacks depth?" Now I get to talk about what the show did right (no pun intended). The plot builds off the first movie without being a repeat, and has a clear, uplifting theme well suited for a kids/family show. The love story avoids various ridiculously overdone tropes, like having characters first loath, then love each other. Though weird, the world is consistent and well thought out.

Some of the shortcomings to the script--that truthfully kept this movie from being something more--include a weak and somewhat poorly defined motive for the villain, a bit too much reliance on potty humor for laugh lines, and--as stated previously--the lack of deeper meaning that helps build a deeper connection for the viewer.

Presentation: 4
Visually the movie was decent, but nothing that caught my attention in any significant way. The voice acting was decent, and just tips this category into the like range.

Overall: 13
If you have kids, this is a show that is decently presented, well themed, and has a couple of good laughs for both kids and adults. If you don't have kids, those of you who don't love Steve Carell can probably skip this one.

Friday, July 5, 2013

World War Z (2013)

Entertainment: 4
This movie has some problems, and is barely in the like range for entertainment. If you want some suspense and tense moments, this movie delivers. Unfortunately, that is all it delivers.

Writing: 2
This problem with this movie stems from the script, which is unoriginal and lacking in depth. The characters have no growth throughout a nearly two hour show. Gerry (Brad Pitt), the main character, is the same man at the end as he was in the beginning. Also, this is a plot light movie with no big reveals and an anticlimactic ending. I have not read the book, but I understand the movie does not follow it closely.

Presentation: 3
The visuals were fine, but nothing that really captured me. They were effective enough to create some intense moments, but nothing else. Brad Pitt is a fantastic actor, but this was not one of his award winning performances in my mind. I feel very neutral about all the presentation aspects of this show.

Overall: 9 out of 21
At a total of nine points, this averages out to a neutral showing for me. I would only recommend watching this movie if you really love zombie flicks, or if you are in the mood to watch something tense that does not require much attention.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)

Entertainment: 6
As with the 2009 reboot of Star Trek, you don't have to be a fan of the William Shatner shows and movies to enjoy this sequel. It is a fast paced and fun movie that fully captures the magic of the Star Trek universe as entertainment. You will notice I said as "entertainment." In other words, this review is probably more targeted for those of us who are not Trekkies or Trekkers.

Writing: 5
This is a great script that does not take itself too seriously, but also, for the most part, does not get too campy. It has a few tie-ins to the old shows, but they mostly manage to write them into the script in a way that makes them relevant rather than simple homages to the past.

Presentation: 6
Fantastic visuals, with the feel of the 60s rolled beautifully forward. The acting is well delivered, and left me feeling like the this was an original presentation rather than a copy of the past.

Overall Score: 17 out of 21
While not a deep thinking film, this movie does what it does extremely well. It is well worth watching.


Sunday, June 30, 2013

Man of Steel (2013)


Entertainment: 4
Let me start by saying that this is the best Superman movie that I have seen. I liked and enjoyed watching it. I rate this this fours ("Like") across the board. However, sometimes when a movie is good on all levels, that means it is a great movie. Other times it does not, and this is one of those times.

Writing: 4
It is my theory that Superman is one of the most difficult characters to write a decent story about. He is essentially a god/indestructible, and has only two weaknesses: Kryptonite and Lois Lane. So, guess what the stories are always about? Fortunately those two well-trod paths were not emphasized in this script. Sure the Man of Steel saves Lois a time or two, but she is not the powerless damsel in distress. And, yes, Superman is weak to the atmosphere of Krypton, but there are not glowing green crystals. Don't get me wrong. The writing has flaws, but at least they aren't the same old flaws as we usually have to endure with this character. Also, I appreciated the moral look this script took. Any movie about a messiah character must deal with the morality of the character, an this movie did a good job of it.

Presentation: 4
The visuals were at times breathtaking, but other times intrusive. (Caveat - I'm no expert in cinematography.) I generally like the look director Zack Snyder brings to his films, but I was occasionally bothered by the angles of the visuals and the wobbly/shaky camera affects. The acting was decent, but felt flat at times--and was completely flat when it came to the love story between Lois and Superman.

Iron Man 3 (2013)


Entertainment: 2
This is one of those movies that is hard to enjoy because I was so often unable to suspend my disbelief while watching it.

Writing: 2
A weak script with unenjoyable/poorly delivered character development and massive plot holes make this movie a failure. *Spoiler* Why couldn't the amazing Tony Stark figure out a way to get his dozens of other suits working to his benefit earlier? And PTSD? Really? Now? You mean getting held by terrorists for months didn't freak Tony out, but flying into alien space for one minute did? Ok.

Presentation: 3
The visuals are decent, but the acting and delivery are lacking. Part of the delivery is undoubtedly due to the writing, but there are more problems than that.