Thursday, June 30, 2011

Star Trek (2009)


Entertainment: 6
You don't have to be a fan of the old shows and movies to enjoy this film. It is a fantastic and enjoyable reboot.
Writing: 5
In my mind the script was near perfect for the type of show that this is--I particularly liked the smart way it led into the reboot.
Presentation: 6
Great visuals, with the feel of the 60s rolled beautifully forward. The acting is well delivered, snappy, and engaging.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Limitless (2011)

Entertainment: 4
The core idea for this movie is a winner, and gives an otherwise roughly executed story mileage. However, this movie barely stands inside the "like" category. I found I was excited to see the movie finishing as it wrapped up--never a good sign--as the plot bogged down and got boring somewhere in the middle.

Writing: 2
While the main idea was good, execution was lacking. The main character (Eddie) is unlikable, and the amoral approach to the script feels like a missed opportunity to get viewer buy-in.

Presentation: 4
The visuals were decent though occasionally nauseating. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Karate Kid (2010)

Entertainment: 2
I had some hopes for this film as some had said it was really good. Unfortunately, it wasn't very good. I found myself very bored within 20 minutes.

Writing: 2
Just like the original, only more poorly done. The script had a ton of fluff and repetitiveness. I was irritated that they called the show Karate Kid when it was all Kung Fu and set in China (Karate is Japanese). In fact, at one point they disparaged Karate in this movie, making me feel a little irritated that they had used the name at all.

Presentation: 1
The visuals were ok but nothing fantastic. I was a little irritated during scenes of them training on the Great Wall of China--as if that would ever happen.

The Smith kid poorly interpreted the character. I didn't like the performance and didn't care for the character. Some of that was undoubtedly the writing, but a good portion was his acting.

In the end, I felt like this whole film was a kind of marketing campaign by the Smith parents for their son--right down to the cheesy rap he performs during the ending credits. I don't blame them for trying to give their son a boost into the industry, but I didn't enjoy this attempt at all.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)

Entertainment: 3
It failed to capture my imagination and really draw me in to that world. I didn't hate it, but I wasn't fully entertained.

Writing: 2
Cliched, flat characters with typical flaws. Inconsistent world that never feels buyable. Under edited.

Presentation: 2
Despite poor writing, the actors do reasonably well with what they've got and save it a little. However, the overall visuals felt all wrong in several parts, and moderate the rest of the time.